How to merge two Facebook pages?

How to merge two Facebook pages?

Streamlining Your Online Presence: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Merge Two Facebook Pages


In the dynamic world of digital marketing and online presence, businesses and organizations often find the need to restructure and optimize their social media platforms. Facebook, being a cornerstone of social media marketing, allows businesses to merge two pages to streamline their online presence effectively. In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of merging two Facebook pages.

Why Merge Facebook Pages?

Before we delve into the process, let’s understand the reasons why merging Facebook pages may be necessary:

  1. Unified Brand Image: Merging pages helps create a cohesive and unified brand image, avoiding confusion among your audience.
  2. Consolidated Following: Combining pages allows you to consolidate your follower base, ensuring that your content reaches a wider audience.
  3. Optimized Resources: Managing multiple pages can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Merging pages helps optimize your efforts and resources.

Step-by-Step Guide to Merge Facebook Pages:

Step 1: Ensure Eligibility

Before you proceed with the merging process, make sure that you are eligible. To merge two pages, you must be an admin of both pages, and the pages must have similar names and represent the same business or entity.

Step 2: Access the Merging Page

Open your web browser and navigate to either of the following links:

Ensure that you are logged in to the Facebook account associated with the pages you want to merge.

Step 3: Select Pages to Merge

The merging tool will prompt you to choose the two pages you want to merge. Carefully select the pages from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Verify Information

Facebook will display information about both pages, including their names and the number of likes. Review this information to ensure that you’ve selected the correct pages for merging.

Step 5: Complete the Merger

Once you’ve verified the information, click on the “Request Merge” button. Facebook will then review your request, and if everything meets the eligibility criteria, the merge will be approved.

Step 6: Post-Merger Considerations

After the merger is completed, it’s essential to communicate the changes to your audience. Post an announcement on the merged page, informing followers about the consolidation and reassuring them that the content they enjoy will continue.


Merging Facebook pages is a strategic move to enhance your online presence, streamline your brand image, and optimize resources. By following the step-by-step guide provided through the official Facebook merging link, you can ensure a smooth and efficient consolidation of your pages. Take advantage of this feature to present a unified front to your audience and maximize the impact of your social media marketing efforts.


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